Everywhere you go, everything you read is rife with the dire dangers that await you at the Grand Canyon. Thirst, heat, creatures, cliffs ... it's all conspiring like some sick natural Al-qaida to cause you pain, dismemberment and death. They even use posed models on their website (here's my favorite, which is no longer on their official site). Their sense of drama is melo to say the least, and one soon learns most of their advice is poo. This can't be a good thing, because some of it actually is good, and once they've 'cried wolf' it's too late. So I thought I'd shoot some counterpropaganda. In this case, it's about as safe as it could be. A skeptical inspection of the photo will establish that I'm sitting down with my foot stuck out. It's actually worse than that. I'm reclining against a cool rock at Ooh Ahh Point, mostly in the shade with my toes stuck out in the sun. Extreme Hiking Fakeout! |